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Our faith


Ke Ali‘i Pauahi’s deep faith in Ke Akua moved her to create a school for young Hawaiians, giving them the knowledge and skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. Along with that gift, she sought to share with our haumāna a foundation of Christian values to shape their character and guide their actions.

Princess Pauahi’s faith

Princess Bernice Pauahi was a devout Christian ali‘i wahine (noble woman) because of a faith foundation established before her by the inspiration of Hawaiian forebears like Henry ‘Ōpūkaha‘ia, Queen Ka‘ahumanu, Queen Ke‘ōpūolani, the kahuna nui Hewahewa and High Chiefess Kīna‘u. They were among the first Hawaiians who heard, read, loved, and wholeheartedly embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were among the first to be baptized, converting to Christianity.

Although Kamehameha Pai‘ea died 11 months before the arrival of the first American Protestant Missionaries in 1820, it would be by the actions and decisions of his surviving heirs – including his wives — Ka‘ahumanu and Ke‘ōpūolani, his offspring — King Liholiho, King Kauikeaouli and Kīna‘u, close counselors — Hewahewa and Kalanimoku, and ultimately his great-granddaughter Pauahi that Christianity would take root in Hawai‘i and at Kamehameha Schools.

Our statement of Christian commitment

Heeding the call of Jesus and following the example of Pauahi, Kamehameha Schools strives to develop individuals who demonstrate:

“Aloha i Ke Akua” — Love for God
“Love the Lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your mind.” — Matthew 22:37

“Aloha i Kekahi i Kekahi” — Love for One Another
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” — John 13:34

“Aloha ‘Āina” — Love and care for our land and all that Ke Akua has blessed us with
“God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” — Genesis 1:28

We are Protestant in tradition, non-denominational in practice, and loving in all things. We believe that Kamehameha Schools, as a Christian institution, has a responsibility to practice and perpetuate the Christian faith as exemplified by Ke Ali‘i Pauahi by:

  • Fostering faith in Ke Akua and in His Word as our foundation
  • Integrating Christian values into its programs and services
  • Providing the necessary learning opportunities, resources and training to deepen the understanding of Scripture and the Christian faith
  • Nurturing the relationship and the responsibility of its learners to Ke Akua and His creation, and
  • Living out our faith by practicing servant leadership

Nā mele mana‘o‘i‘o (Songs of faith)

The Kamehameha Schools Kapālama worship team worked with HI*Sessions during their 2019 spring break to create special music videos to honor the deep Christian faith of KS founder Ke Ali‘i Bernice Pauahi Bishop. We offer these mele to uplift our haumāna, mākua, kumu and other members of the KS ‘ohana and to assure you that God’s divine light is shining upon you — even during the darkest of times.

Looking for inspiration daily? Please feel free to use the calendar below, created and maintained by Nā Kahu o Nā Kula 'o Kamehameha. Click on a date to see a PDF of a devotional for that day.

Stories of our faith

Mālama Ola Minute: Balancing sports, school and ʻohana

Athletic trainer Jared Nihi KSK’92 blends his faith and fitness, offering tips to help haumāna thrive during the busy holiday season.

Advent lessons: Waiting for the Christ Child

Welcome the holidays by reflecting on biblical stories of joy, hope, love and peace.

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Easter

He has risen! Kahu Kanani Franco from KS Maui wishes us a happy Easter as we celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection.

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