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Financial aid


School collaborators

Welcome to our school collaborators site. Here you will find links to various resources to assist your working with us.

Eligibility requirements

PKS Scholarship

  • Preschool located in Hawai‘i
  • Currently licensed by the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services (DHS) or the United States Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Confirmed members in good standing and accredited by a KS recognized accreditation system.

Kipona Scholarship

  • Private school located in Hawai‘i and
  • Licensed under the Hawai‘i Council of Private Schools (HCPS) or accredited by a KS recognized accreditation system

How to apply

If you are a private school located in Hawaiʻi and interested in becoming a PKS or Kipona scholarship participating school for the 2026-2027 school year, please reach out via email to with your inquiry to be notified when the application opens in 2025.


Application calendar

The application period to become a PKS or Kipona School Collaborator for the 2025-2026 school year has now closed.  Please continue to check this website for updated information on the application period for the 2026-2027 school year.

Additional information

Pauahi Keiki Scholars school collaborators

For school year 2025-2026


For school year 2024-2025

Kipona Scholarship school collaborators

For school year 2025-2026


For school year 2024-2025


The reconsideration form and information is posted at the KS website. KS accepts reconsideration using the form, an email, or a written letter. The reconsideration needs to be received by KS within 30 days after the notification.

No. An application must be submitted for the Kipona scholarship program.

The review process is based on income, assets, expenses, equity, etc.

Yes. The families may complete the 20 hours. However, when submitting the hours, the hours must be submitted by quarters (5 hours each quarter).

Yes. KS FASS conducts an audit on 5% of the submission. Schools may request KS to conduct a random audit of the school’s families.

Yes. The school collaborator may advertise they are a KS school collaborator participant, but cannot use the KS logo.

No. However, please submit the updated licenses and accreditation to KS.

Yes. Award is based from August to July.

Yes. KS will confirm with the school the school’s tuition rate.

No. The PKS award will not cover for kindergarten summer school and the PKS award will be terminated. Keiki must be enrolled in preschool summer school to receive assistance.

No. If the class is for 4-year-old kindergarteners, the keiki is not eligible for PKS or summer school.

Yes. KS will adjust the award amount and will notify school of award amount change via SCP. School should inform KS if keiki is receiving a non-KS subsidy (i.e. POD, CCC, and etc.).

No. There is no automatic notification.

No. Changes to the award amount occurs constantly (changes in subsidy amounts, change of keiki’s school, etc.)

Students must adhere to the attendance requirement for the 2024-2025 school year and families must submit quarterly reports through the FACTS portal (opening in November 2024) to receive a disbursement for all quarters of the 2024-2025 school year.

PKS Scholarship community service hours have been made optional for the 2024-2025 school year. We anticipate making Ho‘oulu Kaiāulu community service mandatory for the 2025-2026 school year.

Our standard process is to utilize the School Portal so, no, Kipona recipient information will not be available to schools before the School Portal is open.

We are always exploring ways to improve how we support our communities. One of the lessons we have learned is that there are many quality opportunities that already exist available for kindergarten families where keiki can develop a strong foundation as they grow older. The decision to discontinue kindergarten applications allows us to think differently and creatively about where our focus is needed and how else we can serve our lāhui.

No, PKS is a separate scholarship program for preschool only and award will not follow keiki into Grade 6.

The maximum award amounts are:

  • Grades 4-5: $8,000
  • Grades 6-12: $10,000

The Kipona Scholarship community service hour requirement has been fully reinstated for the 2024-2025 school year. ‘Ohana will need to report hours in the FACTS portal between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

Need kōkua?

(808) 534-8080 or 1-800-842-IMUA and press 3 (Neighbor Island/Continental U.S.)