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Aloha! Mahalo for visiting the Kamehameha Schools Security Department Website. Information on this website pertains to the Maui Campus.


The primary mission of the Kamehameha Schools Maui Security department is to ensure a safe, secure, and healthy educational environment that is conducive to learning and facilitates the pursuit of achievement while providing an open and inviting feel for students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors.


By pursuing our goals, KSM Campus Security will enable native Hawaiian learners to achieve greater success than they can at any other school.

Services provided by our Security team:

  • Access Control to Campus
  • Vehicle Registration and Parking Permits
  • Visitor Management
  • Emergency Services and Response [First Aid, CPR/AED]
  • Facilities Use and Access
  • Special Event Management
  • Traffic and Parking Control
  • Investigations and Incident Reports
  • Preventative Patrol
  • Security Escorts
  • KSM Student Traveling Security (International and Domestic)

We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions. Please feel free to contact us through our email, Security and safety incidents or emergencies can be reported directly to the main entry gate (24/7) at (808) 572-4260. The Security Manager at (808) 573-7219. Mahalo!

Important information

KS is committed to providing a safe, secure, and orderly environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors at KS campuses and other educational sites. KS maintains security on its K‐12 campuses, 24 hours a day; seven days a week. To contact campus security, call (808) 572‐4260 or cell phone (808) 870‐3365. To contact the Security Manager, call (808) 573‐7219.

Security at the Entry Station

Campus access is strictly controlled at the Entry Station between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. – 5:00 a.m. on school days. Entry will be allowed only to those who have made prior arrangements with the appropriate school office personnel. All visitors, including parents, must call their school office prior to arriving on campus for clearance. Parents who must come on campus between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. to pick up their student for a doctor’s appointment, because of an early release, to drop off something a student forgot, etc. must contact the appropriate school office, who will inform the entry station of your arrival. Campus security will arrange for a visitor pass to be waiting for external vendors and off campus guests at the main gate upon presentation of a photo ID.

Unannounced visitors will be subject to delay or may be turned away, so plan accordingly.

This campus entry station is equipped with video monitoring. All entry into campus is monitored through electronic surveillance for the protection of faculty, staff, students, and parents.

Driving In & Out of ‘Āina Lani Drive

We’re blessed to have the convenience of accessing campus via ‘Āina Lani and the lower gates. Please help us maintain good pilina with our neighbors by driving akamai.

We ask that you observe the posted speed limit of 20 miles per hour, refrain from playing loud music, and stay alert to pedestrian safety at all times. Courteous driving is part of our core campus value of pilina.

Parking on campus is a privilege.

Visitor parking:

Please refer to the KSM campus map for parking locations.

Student parking:

Students are not allowed to drive or park on campus during the school day unless they have obtained a KS student parking decal or a one‐day student parking pass. Student parking is restricted to designated parking areas on the campus.

Parking Application

Student drivers must complete a Student Parking Application available at the Māhele Luna Upper Division Office or the KS Maui school website in the Forms and Resources section. A valid driver’s license and proof of insurance are required. Students who are granted parking decals are responsible for obeying the rules and regulations for driving and parking on campus printed on the back of the application form.

There are two types of student parking passes you may apply for:

  • Temporary Pass: This is on an as need, emergency basis only. Application must be completed and on file in the school office before parking. Examples of need or emergency would include student having to leave campus for an appointment, missing the bus or parent off‐island and student does not have a ride.
  • Permanent Pass: Student drives and parks car on campus on a daily basis.

Upon arrival on campus, ALL visitors ‐ including parents, relatives and caregivers must report to the division office, sign in, and obtain a KS identification (ID) badge before going to a classroom or anywhere else on campus. All visitors are expected to follow school rules to ensure that visits do not disrupt the learning environment or endanger the safety of students or staff. Upon KS’ request, at the end of the visit, visitors must report back to the division office, sign out and return the KS ID badge.

KS depends on parents, relatives, and community volunteers to enhance its curriculum and to make such things as field trips and special activities possible. In order to provide the safest environment for students and volunteers, KS requires every volunteer who will be in direct contact with students for an extended period, and/or on a regular basis, to complete a volunteer application form available through our Campus Volunteer Coordinator at (808) 573‐7107.

Before working directly with the students, volunteers might be required to also have annually:

  • A criminal history record check. This information is kept in a confidential file.
  • Annual KS volunteer training certification.
  • A valid TB clearance on file if anticipated to have contact with grade K‐12 students for more than thirty cumulative days within a twelve‐month period.

Upon arrival on campus, volunteers must report to the division administrator authorized to supervise the volunteer. At the end of the field trip, special activity, program, or service, at KS’ request volunteers should return to the authorized division administrator’s office to sign out, unless alternate arrangements have been made.

KS facilities are smoke‐free, vape‐free and alcohol/drug‐free environments. All visitors and volunteers are expected to adhere to this policy. Smoking/vaping/electronic cigarettes (except in designated smoking areas), alcohol consumption, or use of any illegal substance is prohibited on school property (including parking lots, bus terminals, KS vehicles and rental buses), at school‐sponsored events, and at field trip locations. Any person under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall not be permitted on school property or at school sponsored events.

In all cases, KS reserves the right to refuse to allow visitors or volunteers, including parents, relatives, or caregivers, to participate in its programs and services if, in the opinion of the administrator, there exists a reasonable belief that the visitor or volunteer may pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of the students.

All KS campus facilities are smoke-free, vape-free, alcohol free, and drug‐free environments. All employees, students, visitors and volunteers are expected to adhere to this policy. Smoking including the use of electronic smoking devices (except in designated smoking areas), drinking, or use of any illegal substance is prohibited on school property (including parking lots, bus terminals, KS vehicles and rental buses), at school‐sponsored events, and at field trip locations. Any person under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall not be permitted on school property or at school‐sponsored events.


It is the policy of the Kamehameha Schools to prohibit the possession, distribution and/or use of intoxicating liquor on Maui campus or at school activities by any employee, visitor, volunteer, contractor, or student enrolled at Kamehameha Schools.

Under Hawai‘i law, a person commits the misdemeanor offense of promoting intoxicating liquor to a minor if he knowingly: (a) sells or offers for sale, delivers, or gives to a person intoxicating liquor, and the person receiving the intoxicating liquor is a minor; or (b) permits a person to possess intoxicating liquor on property under his control, and the person possessing the intoxicating liquor is a minor.


As prohibited by state and federal law, Kamehameha Schools students, employees, visitors, volunteers, or contractors are not permitted to be under the influence of, possess, manufacture, distribute or sell illicit drugs at Kamehameha Schools sponsored or approved events, on Kamehameha Schools property or in buildings used by Kamehameha Schools for its educational or recreational programs. Students and/or employees and visitors found to be in violation will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination/release from Kamehameha.  Criminal penalties such as arrest or conviction resulting in probation, fines, and imprisonment may also occur. 

Safety is our #1 priority here at Kamehameha Schools. Our Emergency Operations plan (EOP) is in place as a guide for various types of potentially threatening situations internally (i.e., active threat) and externally (i.e., natural disasters). Regularly scheduled emergency drills are conducted in partnership with the Operations Division and Kamehameha Security.

The purpose of the EOP is to:

  1. Provide emergency preparedness response instructions, information, and guidelines for protecting students, faculty, and staff at Kamehameha Schools, as well as to describe the responsibilities of staff members, for a wide range of emergency and disaster situations that may occur. In the event of a widespread emergency, such as a hurricane, it is recognized that available government resources will be overtaxed and may be unable to respond to all requests for assistance.  This plan assumes that the Maui campus must be self-sufficient for a time and may be required to provide shelter to the immediate community.
  2. Provides coordination between Elementary, Middle and High Schools and the Incident Command Post.
  3. Integrate and coordinate emergency response with municipal, county and state emergency preparedness efforts.

Scope: This plan applies to emergencies occurring on Kamehameha Schools Maui property or emergencies that occur off-site that affect Kamehameha Schools’ students, faculty, staff, and property.

Limitations: It is the policy of Kamehameha Schools that no guarantee is implied by this plan of a perfect response system. As personnel and resources may be overwhelmed, Kamehameha Schools can only endeavor to make every reasonable effort to respond based on the situation, resources, and information available at the time.

KS has a campus‐wide emergency response plan designed to provide administrators, faculty, and staff with a guide for emergencies. The goals of the plan are to:

  • Ensure the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors
  • Minimize disruption of academic programs and business operations
  • Minimize property losses
  • Assist the community in time of emergency

KS’ emergency operations plan is activated any time a CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING is issued. In such a case, parents can obtain information about school or their children in the following ways:

  • Mass Notification: Our mass notification system can send broadcast emergency emails, recorded phone messages, and texts effectively reaching thousands of recipients within minutes.
  • Radio – Announcements about school closure or evacuation will be broadcast over local radio stations.
  • Telephone calls – In order to keep lines open for emergencies and calls to the outside, do not call the school office for information during an emergency. Information will be shared via radio announcement as indicated above.

If you have questions about the KS emergency response plan, please call each individual school office or refer to your student-parent handbook for more information.