The first school song was actually a hymn taken from the hymn book, however, the first headmaster realized that these boys would have difficulty singing a hymn on the sideline of a football game, so he commissioned his music teacher, Theodore Richards to travel to the continental U.S. and find a musical tune that could be used for this new high school. Mr. Richards traveled to his alma mater, Yale University, which was a divinity school at the time. The freshman song at yale, “Hail, Freshman,Hail” seems to be the place where we got the music for our school alma mater.
The words for our school song then were found in the bible. In Joshua 1:6-9, Joshua is the young indigenous leader who was going to carry on what his predecessor had started – To take the people into the promised land. He was not starting his own movement, but was carrying on the mission of God set for him. So it is with our students today, they are carrying on the mission for the Hawaiian people that was set before they were even born.
Ho‘onani i ka Makua mau,
Ke Keiki me ka ‘Uhane nō,
Ke Akua mau ho‘omaika‘i pū,
Ko kēia ao ko kēlā ao.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.